COVID, Empty Nesters and Puppy Love … If you’re an empty nester, this may sound quite familiar. Lockdown had you feeling blue, isolated and in need of companionship. Kids fled home and everyone was brewing with anxiety. It was a scary time, with lockdowns in place, parents home from work and schools closed. For many, the social isolation was tough. Dog ownership quickly became an idea that crossed many families minds.
Puppy Ownership Soared During COVID
It’s not surprising that sales and adoptions of dogs soared to record levels during COVID. People turned to every available resource to find their newest member of the family. Pet stores, private breeders, shelters, and nonprofit rescues had more demand than dogs available. Waiting lists became the norm, sometimes with a year long waiting period. But future dog owners were not deterred, persisting on until they found their new prized pups.

During the pandemic, more free time was devoted to taking care of dogs. Quarantine allowed them to be spoiled with unlimited love and affection. Families took long walks with their dogs to get out of the house. They played together regularly, dressed up their pooches and bought them cool new dog toys. Owners wore cute dog PJs and added dog decor to make their dogs feel instantly welcome. Real bonds were formed between pups and their new families. I certainly know several families with pandemic dogs who cannot imagine life without them.

New Puppy Gives Empty Nesters New Focus
For empty nesters, a new puppy provides a new found focus. Parents suddenly experienced a deja vu feeling of sadness once their kids left the nest for school post-lockdown. Those same empty feelings started re-emerging. But this time, their new dogs helped ease their emotions. Their dogs became the baby, the friend, the guardian, and the trusted companion all wrapped in one.

The challenge hit once work schedules resumed. Empty nesters scrambled to find daytime care to walk and feed their dogs. Many dogs felt separation anxiety, having been extremely attached to their owners during the pandemic. Some empty nesters opted for a hybrid work situation to provide flexibility to care for their dogs. Others made arrangements with neighbors, family or local high school / college kids looking to make some extra money. Shared dog sitting has been another creative way where friends with compatible dogs have playtime or sleepovers while the owners are at work, in meetings, or on travel.
Puppy Love Provides Empty Nesters With Health Benefits
Studies have shown that dog ownership provides emotional and physical health benefits. Dogs reduce anxiety and depression, with certain breeds designated as emotional support dogs, therapy or service dogs that come with additional training and legal benefits. These dogs were particularly popular during COVID, when emotions and anxiety levels were running at all time highs.

Moreover, dogs assist with feelings of loneliness and act as a trusted companion. This is particularly helpful when living alone and as we age. Intuitively, dogs are able to sense illness. They are comforting companions who provide love, support, and a sense of security. They give a routine to the day, a renewed sense of purpose and boost quality of life.
In additional to emotional health benefits, dog ownership provides significant physical health benefits as well. Dog ownership has been associated with decreased cardiovascular risk, along with lower blood pressure and lower stress levels. The need for doggie playtime and long walks keeps dog owners more fit. Rain or shine, dog owners head out in any temperature to walk the dog. They are armed with fitness trackers, leakproof doggie bags, water bottles, and sleek dog toys. Both owners and dogs certainly benefit from working muscles, getting in steps, breathing fresh air, and soaking up the sun’s Vitamin D.

Additionally, dog owners can become more social. In fact, not only do they meet fellow neighbors in dog parks, but they also organize doggie playdates together. The owner / dog duo also heads to hip, dog-friendly places like Bark Social. Bark Social is a social club for dogs, offering menus for both adults and their dogs. Owners can socially distance, meet new people, grab a bite to eat, and drink a craft beer … all while watching their dog have a ball! Indeed, it is far less intimidating to meet a new person with the company of a pup!
Puppy Love and the Healthy, Pampered Pup
For empty nesters, all they see is puppy love. Their eyes sparkle when talking about their prized pooches. Cute photos are texted to family and friends at all hours of the night, bringing a smile to everyone’s face. Their dogs are pampered just like their own children. Regular visits to the vet and salon ensure their dog remains in good health and good form.
While COVID may have started a bigger trend of dog ownership for empty nesters, man’s best friend has always been there to shower owners with affection. From the healthy pup to the party pup, spoil your dog with these popular products to keep them healthy and feeling special. They deserve every minute of it!
Order portioned, raw meals right to your door! Specifically developed by a PHD Pet Nutritionist to cover the nutritional needs of dogs!
Multivitamin made with organic ingredients for overall good health of your pup!
Massage your dog's tired muscles with this highly rated pet massager. 3 different heads provides different forms of relief!
Stimulate your pup's mind with this #1 bestseller for dog toys! Fun, interactive and rewarding with treats for the right answer!
Create healthy, homemade treats from your kitchen with this fun doggie treat maker!
Provides allergy and immune support for the environmentally sensitive dog.
Dogs need good oral health, just like their owners. These dental chews help fight plaque and tartar!
Outdoor play can make for a messy dog. Keep you dog and home germ free with these safe, unscented handy wipes!
Be my Pawlentine! Your dog will be ready for your hugs!
Spoil your gourmet dog with these cute-as-can-be macarons for a true Parisian experience!
Make your dog the life of the party with this adorable bow tie outfit!
Winter can be particularly harsh on a dog's paws. Give your dog a Pawdicure with this soothing set!
Perfect during rain, snow or when your dog just doesn't feel like moving! Fresh air is still key!
Keep your dog toasty warm with this zip-up dog sweater. Easy to put on and easy to spot in beautiful red!
No time for a bath? Keep your dog smelling fresh with this no rinse, waterless pet shampoo. Perfect when entertaining!
Keep anxious or high energy dogs busy with this variety pack of toys!

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